Lakhon Bassac is a form of theatre with both dialogue and singing that is accompanied by Vietnamese or Chinese influenced music as well as Cambodian music. Western instruments are also used occasionally. The acting is improvised very often, or made up on the spot, distinguishing it from other forms of theatre. Cambodian classical dance gestures and poses are included in the dance scenes. Lakhon Bassac bears very strong Vietnamese and Chinese influences because of the close contact between the countries and Cambodia during French colonial rule. Performances used to last as many as six nights with troupes performing everywhere, all over the country, up until the unrest in Cambodia started in the early 1970s.
The artists consist of very skilled actors and vocalists, wardrobe specialists, make-up artists, musicians, and more. They form their own group and give themselves a business name. Countryside villagers hire them to perform for their guests’ pleasure during a special occasion, and performances are always during nighttime and performed outdoors. Before the Cambodian civil war in 1970, festival organizers would build a makeshift stage for the troupe and the troupe would bring their own stage equipment and props. Today, the performance group has their own mobile stage unit and takes care of everything so that the organizers can just sit back and enjoy the show.
Lakhon Bassac performances tell a legend or a complete story. The legend always includes a story about a Kingdom that is reigned by a King and Queen. They most often have a prince who has to endure a journey from the luxurious royal palace to a deep jungle. Throughout his journey, he seeks knowledge, wisdom, warrior skills, and magic power from the legendary master “Ta Eiysey.” Ta Eiysey is characterized as an old man with a beard who wears white clothes and carries a walking stick. He always lives in a secluded, mountainous area. The prince’s journey is often accompanied by a personal servant who serves as comedic relief due to his gestures. At the house of Ta Eiysey, there is also a servant who is a comic character.
Sources cited:
Cambodian Community Day. What is Lakhon Bassac. (n.d.). Retrieved August 14, 2022, from https://www.cambodiancommunityday.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=290%3Awhat-is-lakhon-bassac&catid=102&Itemid=730
Lakhon Bassac. Asian Traditional Theatre & Dance. (2021, October 19). Retrieved August 14, 2022, from https://disco.teak.fi/asia/lakhon-bassac-2/
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